Houssam Hajj Hassan

Houssam Hajj Hassan


PlanEMQX is a prototype built on top of the EMQX message broker, enabling adaptive data exchange in IoT environments. This is achieved by (i) refining per-subscription data flows based on the applications deployed in the environment, (ii) dynamically assigning drop rates or…


EDICT is a simulation tool for evaluating the performance of Edge interactions in IoT-enhanced environments. The standard NGSI-LD (Next Generation Service Interfaces-Linked Data) protocol specification is used to represent systems deployed in IoT-enhanced environments. EDICT then generates a performance metrics dataset as…


PlanIoT is a framework-based solution that enables adaptive data flow management at the middleware-layer using automated planning methodologies. This is achieved via the following core software components: (i) a queueing network composer; (ii) automated planning modeler; and (iii) an AI…